
2018-19 Ombudsman Annual Report (Part 1)

Annual Report for the Ombudsman for the Northern Territory for the financial year 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019.

This annual report is divided into two parts.

2018-19 Ombudsman Annual Report (Part 2)

Annual Report for the Ombudsman for the Northern Territory for the financial year 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019.

This annual report is divided into two parts.

Surveillance Devices Compliance Report (June 2019)

Report to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice on Compliance by Northern Territory Police Force with Surveillance Devices Act - Report Issued June 2019

Compliance by Northern Territory Police Force with Part 2 of the Police (Special Investigative and Other Powers) Act - 2018/19 Report

Report to the Minister detailing Compliance by Northern Territory Police Force with Part 2 of the Police (Special Investigative and other Powers) Act. Report issued June 2019.

Surveillance Devices Compliance Report (December 2018)

Report to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice on Compliance by Northern Territory Police Force with Surveillance Devices Act - Report Issued December 2018