
Independent, fair, free

We investigate and resolve complaints about Northern Territory Government agencies, local government councils and Police conduct. 
We identify problems and work with agencies and other stakeholders to improve government services.

Latest news and publications

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Separate Confinement - A Thematic Investigation into Practices in Darwin Correctional Centre

NT Ombudsman thematic investigation report into separate confinement practices in Darwin Correctional Centre.

Statement – OPCAT and separate confinement report tabled

Joint statement on OPCAT and Ombudsman investigation report into separate confinement practices.

2022-23 Ombudsman Annual Report

Annual Report for the Ombudsman for the Northern Territory for the financial year 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.

Materials in other languages

We have developed a series of videos in some of the most common indigenous languages as well as a multilingual brochure that explain what we do and how to contact the office.

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