
News and publications

2016-17 Ombudsman Annual Report

Annual Report for the Ombudsman for the Northern Territory for the financial year 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017.

Compliance by Northern Territory Police Force with Part 2 of the Police (Special Investigative and Other Powers) Act

Report to the Minister detailing Compliance by Northern Territory Police Force with Part 2 of the Police (Special Investigative and other Powers) Act which came into force on the 1 July 2015. This report covers the period from the 16 June 2016 to 21 June 2017.

Ombudsman NT multi-lingual brochure

The Ombudsman NT multi-lingual brochure explains what we do and how to contact the office in a number of commonly spoken Languages within the Northern Territory including German, Greek, Indonesian, Chinese, Tagalog and Vietnamese.

Statement by Ombudsman - Women in Prison II

A statement by the Ombudsman on the Women in Prison II report.

Women in Prison II - Vol 2

Volume 2 of an investigation report by the NT Ombudsman into systemic concerns surrounding the conditions for women prisoners in the Alice Springs Women's Correctional Facility.

Women in Prison II - Vol 1

Volume 1 of an investigation report by the NT Ombudsman into systemic concerns surrounding the conditions for women prisoners in the Alice Springs Women's Correctional Facility.

Surveillance Devices Compliance Report (July 2017)

Report to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice on Compliance by Northern Territory Police Force with Surveillance Devices Act - Report Issued July 2017

Surveillance Devices Compliance Report (Dec 2016)

Report to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice on Compliance by Northern Territory Police Force with Surveillance Devices Act - Report Issued December 2016

Surveillance Devices Compliance Report (Second Report 2016)

Report to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice on Compliance by Northern Territory Police Force with Surveillance Devices Act - Second Report 2016