This is one of two documents that should be read together. This Complaint Management Framework discusses the types of issues that have to be dealt with in the development and implementation of a policy and procedures for complaint management and the related Model Policy sets out a template for the agency's policy development.
This Model policy is intended to be read in combination with the NT Ombudsman's Complaint Management Framework to provide guidance to agencies on the key principles and concepts of an effective and efficient complaint management system. It is designed to be used as a guide for the development or update of agency complaint management policies.
This Ombudsman investigation report discusses how the Power and Water Corporation (PWC) has dealt with, and should deal with, billing and debt management for water supply to urban indigenous communities.
The Framework is intended to provide a broad structure to assist government agencies to identify what issues they should consider in the development and review of appropriate guidelines/policies and provide additional background to inform that process.
Report to The Honourable John Elferink MLA Attorney-General and Minister for Justice. Compliance by Northern Territory Police Force with Surveillance Devices Act - First Report 2016
Annual Report for the Ombudsman for the Northern Territory for the financial year 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
Report to The Honourable John Elferink MLA Attorney-General and Minister for Justice. Compliance by Northern Territory Police Force with Surveillance Devices Act - Second Report 2015
A report on an investigation into the responses of the Department of Housing and the Power and Water Corporation to widespread incidents of criminal damage to electricity meters and other electrical fixtures and fittings for houses in the remote indigenous community of Wadeye. Between June and December 2013, 43 houses in Wadeye had power disconnected because of damage to meters and/or associated property. The power to 20 households remained disconnected for more than 10 days, with 12 disconnected for over 20 days.
Our Complaints and Enquiries Guide lists some of the other organisations where you can make complaints or enquiries. This document has been developed to assist members of the public whose complaints or enquiries are not within our jurisdiction, locate an alternate body that may be able to deal with their specific concerns.